The Story of the
Ballentine Community Association
The Ballentine Community Association (formerly known as the Ballentine Civic Association) was formed to help build and support the Ballentine Community, which is made up of various homes and businesses on the outskirts of Irmo, Chapin, and White Rock in the Columbia, South Carolina Metropolitan Area. We work hard to keep our members informed and aware of all events, changes, and updates that are happening in our area. We partner with local businesses to help grow and build their areas of expertise. Our partners are what make our community great, and we strive to keep those connections strong. To become a part of our community, head over to our Join Us page and fill out the membership form.

Our Mission:
To Serve Ballentine
Since 1978
"Ballentine Residents Meet, Discuss Plans"
from the Irmese Independent Newspaper,
January 15, 1979
"Interested residents of the Ballentine area met on November 28, 1978, to discuss forming of an organization to deal with improvements for the area. The organization, called the Ballentine Civic Association, encompasses all areas in the area of Richland County from I-26 to White Rock.
Elected officers of the Association are: Edd Taylor, President; Dean Foroble, Vice President; Barbara Brazell, Recording Secretary; Libby Paul, Corresponding Secretary; George McCullough, Treasurer, and Sally Walker, Legal Advisor.
Priorities for the area include: adequate fire protection, water and sewage service, ambulance services, road signs, community recreational facilities, and zoning of residential and business areas.
Current information on the status [of] the project, "A Place At the Table" was presented. Resident[s] of the area were asked to attend the County Council meeting on January 17 at 2:30, 2020 Hampton Street in Columbia, to support the Association's stand opposing the project which will place 90 housing units on 21 acres in the Ballentine area.
In the near future, two members of the Association will be guests on the Bill Benton Show discussing the needs and current problems in the area.
Membership in the Association is $5 per family and is open to all residents in the area. Checked can be mailed to: Mr. George McCullough, Ballentine Civic Association, Lake Murray, Ballentine, S.C. 29002.
The next meeting of the Ballentine Civic Association will be held on February 12 at the
Masonic Lodge Building in Ballentine [Boyleston Lodge No. 123] at 7:30 pm."

Our Board of Directors
Committed to Our Cause
We’re very proud of the diversity of our team, and their abilities to contribute their own unique experience and skills to our success. Find out more about some of our leaders and volunteers below.
Bill Malinowski
Rick Pascal
Ann Stewart-Akers
Board Member
Marc Rankin
Board Member
Les Tweed
Vice President
Chris Slaughter
Website and Social Media Director
Linda Howard
Board Member
Mike Sloan
Board Member
Joan Tweed
Kraig Clark
Board Member
Brad Everhart
Board Member
Connie Turner
Website and Social Media Coordinator
Previous Board Members
Our Board of Directors has been made up of many wonderful and dedicated members over the years.
Use the Dropdown Menu below to see who has served on the Board of the Ballentine Community Association in the past.