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Newsletter on the New Richland County Land Development Code

Writer's picture: Ballentine Community AssociationBallentine Community Association

Updated: Mar 13, 2022

The existing Low Density (LD) zoning will be increased to the new R2,R3 & R4 code classes.

Non-HOA property owners around Marina Rd & Johnson Marina will be greatly affected.

The new codes will allow duplexes, triplexes and quads. Example; A one acre R3 lot could have 6 homes built on it. In addition the new codes will restrict you from erecting a chain link fence or storing a boat, RV, or camper on the side or front of your home.

You probably bought your Non-HOA property to avoid high density & major restrictions on property usage. I looked up 2 properties next to me with .381ac & .439 ac. that are changing to R3 that has the potential to give me 12 new family homes within 50 feet of my property line. This is CRAZY! How could this possibly work with, "The purpose and intent of the Richland County Land Development Code Rewrite is to "facilitate the creation of a convenient, attractive, and harmonious community"

Copy & paste to see the new plan:

Copy & paste to see Land Development Code Rewrite: What are major differences in the new LDC?

Find out what your new Zoning will be. Use the interactive app viewer zoom in on your property, then click on the white address box to see your old & now new code & then check others around you. If you or anyone around you is R3, R4 or higher you could be in for a major density increase.

More Opportunities to Learn About New Land Development Code & Zoning Changes

Richland County residents have a few more opportunities to learn about possible zoning changes to their property, as the County moves into the final stage of rewriting its Land Development Code (LDC). The LDC is a set of regulations that govern land use and development in unincorporated areas of the County, and covers standards for zoning districts and dwelling units allowed per acre, along with building location, permitted uses, signage, landscaping, and other rules. In November, County Council passed the rewritten LDC, which is set to go into effect May 2. With the text of the code now adopted, County staff are working to finalize the draft zoning map for the new LDC. County to discuss the rewritten LDC and zoning changes. Residents can view the full schedule of Remapping Information Sessions here, The County will make LDC information available through mailings and an interactive app viewer that shows zoning information for a specific area. When available, the viewer will be accessible through the Planning Department’s webpage. Residents can also phone or email County staff with comments and questions. Residents and property owners can also visit the Zoning office on the first floor of the County Administration Building (2020 Hampton Street, Columbia) during business hours or schedule a one-on-one meeting with a Zoning staff member about specific properties. Those with questions should email or call 803-576-2190. To learn more, visit the County Planning webpage. Below is a letter with a data study by one of our members on just a small portion of Marina Rd. The study proves the new codes will greatly increase the density & destroy this attractive, and harmonious community. It could add 1-2 hundred new families where a one way in/out road can't even begin to handle it. Now add in the inadequate sewer system & increase water runoff to the lake…what kind of potential nightmare are they creating? This one size plan for Richland County needs to be amended to address real world needs.

Thank you for looking further into the Richland County Land Development Code Rewrite and how it will affect our area. I am writing to refute the proposed R3 zoning for our area/neighborhood.

The area of Winding Road/Rideoutte Point Road/Pebble Shore Road is currently zoned RS-LD (Residential Single-Family Low Density) with a 12,000 ft minimum/one principal dwelling unit per lot designation. In section 26-1.9 on page 1-6/table 26-1.9 (e) of the Richland County Land Development Code Rewrite, RS-LD and R2 (Residential 2) are listed as zoning district equivalences. Our current RS-LD district allows for 3.63 dwelling units per acre with one principal dwelling unit per lot. The R2 district permits 3 dwelling units per acre with single family dwellings, duplexes, three-family homes and four-family homes. In addition, lot widths are substantially decreased from 75 feet (RS-LD) to 50 feet (R2).

The Richland County Land Development Code Rewrite does not list Residential-3, R3, (which is proposed for this area) as a zoning district equivalent. In section 26-1.9 on page 1-6/table 26-1.9 (e) of the Richland County Land Development Code Rewrite, the R3 zoning district is a zoning equivalent to a RS-MD (Residential Single-Family Medium Density). The proposed R3 district permits 6 dwelling units per acre with single family dwellings, duplexes, three-family homes and four-family homes. The proposed R3 zoning district drastically increases the density and dwelling composition of our neighborhood.

The purpose and intent of the Richland County Land Development Code Rewrite is to "facilitate the creation of a convenient, attractive, and harmonious community" (Section 26-1.3 page 1-2). I, and my neighbors, are 100% against changing our neighborhood from a low-density neighborhood to a medium-density neighborhood. All of the lots on Winding Road/Rideoutte Point Road/Pebble Shore Road are over .3 acre (if you include the Dominion fringe land for lakefront lots) with 15 lots being 1 acre or larger. Our area/neighborhood has four lots that are over 2 acres! Based on the lot sizes of our neighborhood/area, the R2 designation more closely aligns with our current density and neighborhood feel.

With the proposed R3 zoning allowing 6 homes per acre, when my home burned down due to a lightning strike in 2006, I could have built 3 homes on my lot with a shared dock and 180 feet of water frontage! This is not the density that exists in our "neighborhood" and this is not the density we desire. As the demand/pressure on this area and lakefront lots increase, empty lots will be built upon, houses will be torn down, and density will increase. Managing this growth in a prudent and intelligent manner is our goal.

I THANK YOU, for reading this far. Now it's time to get involved, go to the meetings to object to the new codes and join The Ballentine Community Association.

This information is so important at least forward it to as many others as possible.

Les Tweed


Ballentine Community Association

Richland Planning meeting March 7th 3:00 pm - Zoning public hearing 1st reading,

March 22nd at 7:00 pm

March 7th - 6:30 pm Ballentine Community meeting with the Ballentine Community Association at the Ballentine Community Center, Bird Road, Off Bickley Road, Ballentine


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